Friday, January 6, 2017

Reflections on 2016

I think that almost everyone would agree with me that 2016 was a crazy year on many counts. We were bombarded with bizarre events in sports, industry, human relations, and entertainment. This past year will be remembered for some time to come. In the wake of all of this tumult, the construction industry has trudged along under the radar. Both commercial and residential construction have grown to levels not seen for eight years. Construction-related employment has correspondingly advanced at almost twice the rate of conventional job growth. One thing I don’t like about the consistent and plodding growth we have experienced is that it tends to numb your motivation. So in an effort to keep myself alert, I looked at some key events from the past year that might provide inspirational lessons on how to make the most of 2017.

Your Strengths Can Cover UP Weakness

I am not a fan of mixed martial arts (MMA), but I am a student of success, and have found Ronda Rousey’s story to be an interesting example for any business. Rousey went from working three jobs to support herself to putting a women’s sport on the map. She was dominant in the ring, eliminating many opponents in less than 30 seconds. Unfortunately, her dominance became her Achilles heel because it was based upon doing only one thing very well. As her opponents became stronger in other methods of fighting, Rousey ignored this trend and continued to do what she did best. This strategy eventually led to a first loss in 2015 and an embarrassing defeat last Friday.

Most successful businesses achieve greatness by doing a few things very well. Amazon has done it in logistics, Apple in technical design, and Costco in retailing to serve as a few examples. Rousey shows us that it is time to look at whether our strengths are clouding our judgement. Are your competitors making strategic changes that threaten your business? Are companies from other industries entering your marketplace for the first time? Are there subtle shifts in your marketplace that are not visible because you are too busy with your nose to your grindstone? The time is right for a little strategic introspection before someone punches you in the face.

Never Give Up

The Chicago Cubs are the best example this past year of an outfit that struggled for the past century to meet their goals and finally came through with a World Series victory 108 years later. This unprecedented Series drought is the longest recorded by any major American sports team. Although the Cubs made it to the Series seven times during this period of famine, they always came up short. People were beginning to believe that a curse levied by the owner of the Billy Goat Tavern in 1945 was real. In 2016 the Cubs were able to shake the curse and ascend to the top of Major League Baseball.

Every business has its challenges whether they are minor or critical to survival. I think most people spend their efforts pursuing their dreams rather than basking in the glory of their achievements. And as is typical, our dreams are confronted, derailed, or undermined on a regular basis. At times one can wonder if attainment of a desired goal is even possible. At these times of despair, it is good to remember stories like the Cubs scripted in 2016. Anything is possible if you never give up.
It’s Never Too Late

I remember reading about the problems facing the Rio Olympics during the nine months preceding the games. When you combine delays in construction, construction defects, safety concerns, water & air pollution, failed infrastructure, and the Zika virus, it is amazing that the games weren’t cancelled. Given insurmountable odds of having their country ready to host, Rio came through in the end with a lot of hard work and some good ole fashioned luck.

Businesses often find themselves in overwhelming circumstances where the task at hand is daunting. Whether you have challenges in fueling unprecedented growth, developing a new product line or service, opening a new office, or struggling to stay afloat, achieving one’s goals can often appear impossible. If you ever find yourself wondering how you will make it to the finish line, remember Rio. The Olympics show us that anything is possible no matter how frightening the challenge.

I’m sure there are many other lessons to be learned from 2016, but these are a few that stood out to me. Since success in business can be fleeting, it helps to reflect upon lessons learned from external events so our strategies have a chance to continue to serve us well. May 2017 be your best year ever!

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